Price calculator
Capacity for price calculation
Point | Direction | Period | Capacity
MWh / day
kWh / hour
Financial guarantee
Platform for quarantee | Blocked for this calculation [€] |
Point | Direction | Period | Tariff validity | Capacity MWh / day | Capacity kWh / hour | Type | GfON % | SOS charge €/MWh | Neutrality charge €/MWh | Tariff €/MWh/d/y | Price [€] |
Edit Delete There is no new capacities. Please use form above to create new one Date is not in correct format Please specify correct capacity Are you sure you want to delete this record? Delete of this record failed Capacity cannot be created Capacity update failed Capacity for the selected period is not available. Requested capacity for selected period is not available. Maximum available capacity is {0} m3 There is not enough firm capacity available for all days of selected period. For those days interruptible capacity at the rate of firm capacity will be ordered instead. The maximum available firm capacity (including capacity available through oversubcsription) is {0}. Requested capacity for selected period is not available. Maximum available capacity is {0}. There is not enough firm capacity available for all days of selected period. For those days interruptible capacity at the rate of firm capacity will be ordered instead. The maximum available firm capacity (including capacity available through oversubcsription) is {0}. Additional firm capacity available through oversubscription will be included for specified request. The firm capacity is not available for all days of selected period. For those days interruptible capacity at the rate of firm capacity will be ordered instead. For a detailed overview of the available capacity see the chart. * - Tariff rate escalated according to Price Rulling. Minimum capacity is {0} m3 Minimum capacity is {0} The portfolio effect is not applied to these tariffs. Price for capacity [€] Fee for gas for operational needs [€] Neutrality charge [€] SOS charge [€] CEGHIX [€/MWh/d] Detail of blocked deposit Within-day Day-ahead Days Month-ahead Months Quarterly Year-ahead Annual Services [€] Prisma [€] GSA [€] RBP [€] It is not possible to order for this point at this moment. Financial In Kind Cenové rozhodnutie k požadovanému obdobiu ešte nebolo schválené. Nie je možné objednávať na nasledujúci pracovný deň po 14:00 hod predchádzajúceho pracovného dňa. Day Ahead je možné objednať len medzi {minDate} až {maxDate}. Day Ahead môže byť objednaný iba na nasledujúci deň. Minimum capacity is {capacity} MWh. Capacity for selected period is not available. Požadovaná pevná kapacita nie je dostatočná pre všetky dni zvoleného obdobia. Pre takéto dni bude pridelená prerušiteľná kapacita spoplatnená sadzbou za pevnú kapacitu. Maximálna dostupná kapacita (vrátane kapacity sprístupnenej nadmerným objednaním) je {capacity} V rámci danej požiadavky bude pridelená aj dodatočná pevná kapacita sprístupnená nadmerným objednaním. Objednanie Within-day kapacity nie je povolené pre tento bod Tento Within-day produkt nie je možné objednať v tomto čase Momentálne nie je možné objednať produkt {productName} Kapacitu sa nepodarilo vytvoriť. Nie je definovaná žiadna nová kapacita! Zadajte nové kapacity. Prebieha údržba systému. Skúste to, prosím, neskôr. Pre požadované obdobie chýba definícia koeficientov plynu na pohon. Cenové rozhodnutie k požadovanému obdobiu ešte nebolo schválené.